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Armenian Assembly Terjenian-Thomas Internship: Testimonial: Margaret Flatley

Updated: Aug 25, 2021


Margaret Flatley


“I think the most valuable knowledge I will take away from this past summer with the Armenian Assembly is learning how to live and thrive in a large city, especially through the use of the public transportation. Due to starting my first year of college in January instead of the Fall, I lost out on the “freshman experience”. However I feel like I was able to make up for that experience with the friends I’ve made through the assembly. I have also gained experience while working as a graphic design intern at Top Shelf Design that cannot be taught and has broadened my view of the communication design field in general.

While meeting with members of congress and the information discussed in such meetings wasn’t directly relevant to my field of study, it was extremely informative and I was able to learn a great deal more about how the government works. I found all of the congressmen and congresswomen extremely knowledgeable and eager to discuss their lives with us, as well as listen to our questions and provide feedback. Overall the various meetings conducted during my stay in D.C. made a more informed individual especially on issues related to Armenia.

This internship also helped me adjust to living in a new, faster-paced city then I was used to and therefore taught me valuable life skills for navigating a big city. Living in D.C. was an amazing experience, as it is provided me with endless opportunities to explore historical museums, monuments and partake in other recreational activities. This internship has opened my eyes to a city that could potentially be my home in the future.”

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