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Assembly's 2022 Summer Internship Deadline Extended to Feb. 1

Washington, D.C. - The Armenian Assembly of America's application deadline for its 2022 Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Summer Internship Program in Washington, D.C., and the Assembly's Yerevan Internship Program in Yerevan, Armenia, is fast approaching on Tuesday, February 1, 2022. Barring COVID-19 restrictions, both programs are on track to resume in June 2022.

The influential internship programs in Washington, D.C. and Yerevan provide college students of Armenian descent an opportunity to experience two vibrant capitals, and participate in a full slate of educational, cultural, networking, and social activities throughout the eight-week duration, including a "Lecture Series" program that features leading entrepreneurs, academics, civic leaders, and public policy makers.

Participants also regularly intern and meet with Members of Congress through the "Capitol Ideas" program. Past meetings with U.S. elected officials have included former Senator Bob Dole (R-KS), former House Foreign Affairs Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA), Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), along with the leadership of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues, and among other noted politicians.

Internship placements in D.C. include congressional, think tanks, media, and governmental agencies, whereas students admitted into the Yerevan Internship Program may intern with Armenian governmental offices, NGOs, think tanks, museums, media outlets, medical centers, and more. Throughout the course of two months, participants in the Yerevan Internship Program will experience life in their ancestral homeland, tour historical sites around Armenia, and meet Armenian officials, while forming friendships with fellow Armenians in the homeland and from around the globe.

Further information about both programs can be found here.

For additional details or assistance with the application process, please contact Intern Program Director Joseph Piatt at 202-393-3434 ext. 336 or via email at

"I would recommend the Assembly's Internship Program to anyone. Through the lectures and meetings, it gives people the opportunity to explore many fields in just eight weeks. I feel like I had three internships at once, in the best way possible."

-Lucine Beylerian, Congressman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), 2019

"The Assembly's Internship Program is a great experience and shows young scholars what it’s like to be in a work environment, with many opportunities, such as meetings on Capitol Hill and connecting with prominent figures."

-Alex Nargizian, Armenian National Institute, 2019

The Assembly's Terjenian-Thomas Internship Program's 2019 participants met with Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) and learned about the Appropriations process.

The Assembly's Yerevan Internship Program 2019 interns at the

Republic of Armenia's National Assembly.

Yerevan Internship Program interns at Alphabet Park in Artashavan, Armenia.

Yerevan Internship Program interns in traditional Armenian costumes.

Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.


NR# 2022-01

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