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Assembly Summer Speaker Series Will Feature Attorney Lauren Garry-Boggio

Washington, D.C. - The Armenian Assembly of America Internship Program Summer Speaker Series will feature attorney Lauren Garry-Boggio, an Assembly Internship alumna, this Thursday, June 10th at 6:30 pm EDT (3:30 pm Pacific Time), in an event free and open to the public. Please click here to register. Garry-Boggio is an Attorney-Advisor in the Wireline Competition Bureau at the Federal Communications Commission. Prior to the Commission, she was a Law Clerk to the Honorable William S. Colwell in the Office of Administrative Law Judges at the Department of Labor. She also worked for Comcast Corporation and in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives. Garry-Boggio received her J.D. and MBA from American University and has a Bachelor of Arts from Bowdoin College. College students have found the Assembly's Speaker Series to be useful, particularly in terms of hearing from successful Armenian Americans who contribute to society in a positive manner. "I found Rep. Manoogian's talk so inspiring since she is an alumna of my university, and I admire her ambition and willingness to have entered an election race against an incumbent fresh out of college," said Bettina Saraydaroglu, a sophomore at George Washington University. "She offered great advice to college students like me who may want to follow in her footsteps, and I commend her accomplishments as an Armenian American woman." The Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship Program, which will take place virtually this summer, provides college students of Armenian descent an opportunity to gain exposure to the policy-making process in our nation’s capital for eight weeks each summer. Since 1977, the Armenian Assembly of America has assisted over 1,200 participants in securing placements in prominent congressional offices, government agencies, media outlets, think tanks, and non-governmental organizations in Washington, D.C.

Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.


NR# 2021-48

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