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Paraguay Senate Recognizes Armenian Genocide

Updated: Jul 16, 2021


By Danielle Saroyan

Armenian Agenda Associate Editor

On Thursday, October 29, the Chamber of Senators of Paraguay unanimously adopted a declaration recognizing the Armenian Genocide and denouncing it as a crime against humanity.

“This statement of the Paraguayan Parliament will lead to greater recognition and a rescue of the historical memory,” Paraguayan Senator Desiree Masi told Agencia Prensa Armenia.

Senator Masi presented the project of the Armenian Genocide recognition in the Congress of Paraguay.

“There was pressure, particularly for the term ‘genocide’…that term seems not only right, but just. It claims for all what meant the extermination of the Armenian people and the recognition of crimes against humanity, which means that at some point there must be some kind of reparation. It is important to remember not to repeat history again. Recognizing who was the victim and who was the culprit makes you know the history,” said Senator Masi.

The Armenian Genocide resolution was supported by all main political parties and adopted unanimously. This decision was well-received in Armenia, as Paraguay becomes the 27th country to officially recognize the 1915 Armenian Genocide by Ottoman Turkey.

“The continuity of the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide proves that the crimes against humanity have no statute of limitation, and the humanity continues to recognize and condemn the Armenian Genocide even 100 years after it was committed,” Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian said, according to Public Radio of Armenia. “With this step the Senate of Paraguay made an important contribution to the international efforts of preventing genocides and crimes against humanity,” Nalbandian stated.

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