WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a letter to the Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly), Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member Robert Menendez (D-NJ) commended the Assembly on its 2019 National Advocacy Conference and Gala, and reiterated his commitment to affirmation of the Armenian Genocide and support for the people of Artsakh.
“I hold the Armenian Assembly of America’s work in the highest regard, and tonight’s Gala is a reminder of how impactful your efforts are in developing strong bonds between the United States and the Republic of Armenia,” Ranking Member Menendez said.
“Going back to the 1970s, the Armenian Assembly of America’s representation of Armenian voices in American society has played an invaluable role in boosting Congressional and public engagement with Armenian issues. The engagement has facilitated strong collaboration between the United States and Armenia to both countries’ benefit. Many of Armenia’s post-independence advances, from the development of a free-market economy to the people’s growing embrace of democratic values, owe their success in part to the tireless support of organizations like the Armenian Assembly of America.”
“It is a moral imperative for us to recognize the atrocities committed against the Armenian people during the Armenian Genocide, and I will take every opportunity to advocate for American recognition of the genocide. I proud stand with the Armenian-American community on many critical issues, such as fighting for continued humanitarian support for the people of Nagorno-Karabakh,” he added.
Senator Menendez concluded: “I am with you in spirit tonight as you celebrate the Armenian-American partnership and the indispensable work of the Armenian Assembly of America. Thank you for your unwavering support of democracy in the United State and Armenia and your work to ensure the interests of Armenian-Americans are heard in Congress and around the country. I have been blessed to work with the Armenian Assembly of America throughout my career and look forward to continuing that collaboration into the future.”
The full letter is available here.
Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.
NR#: 2019-044