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Terjenian-Thomas Internship FAQ's

What is the Armenian Assembly’s Terjenian-Thomas Washington, DC Summer Intern Program?

The Terjenian-Thomas Internship Program was established in 1977 to provide professional opportunities for Armenians living in the United States and abroad. Each summer, roughly 20 undergraduate and graduate students from around the world are selected to participate in the Intern Program. Participants intern at congressional offices, governmental agencies, media outlets, think tanks, law offices and non-governmental organizations.


Who is eligible?

Undergraduate or graduate students of Armenian descent, who will have completed at least two years at a 4-year accredited university or college by the start of the program. Preference will be given to those students continuing their education the following school year.


How do I apply?

Apply Online. You can also contact an Assembly staff member by emailing, or calling (202) 393-3434 ext. 336.


Do I need to obtain insurance to participate in the Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship Program in Washington, DC?

NO, this is a requirement for the Armenia Internship Program and is not necessary for the DC program.


When is the deadline for applying?

December 10


What are the costs associated with the program?

The Armenian Assembly does not charge a fee for participation in the Internship Program. However, there are several costs associated with the internship. The student is responsible for their own transportation to Washington, DC, transportation while in DC, general grocery costs and spending money. The Assembly provides summer housing at the subsidized rate of (estimated) $3,400 through George Washington University.


Are all majors eligible to apply?

All majors are encouraged to apply!


When am I notified if I am selected into the Internship Program?

All applicants will be notified by mid-February.


If selected as a participant, am I guaranteed the internship of my choice?

The staff will do its best to place you in a suitable internship but we do not guarantee the internship of your choice.


How long does the internship last?

Eight (8) weeks


Can I find my own internship?

Yes. The Assembly staff encourages all interns to do their own research to optimize their opportunities.


Where do we live?

Students are housed as a group at The George Washington University. However, exceptions can be made for students local to the DC area.

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